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Challenge Group reports

The Challenge Group has produced several reports reviewing the progress made in reducing smoking in pregnancy in England. These reports provide a useful overview of the policy landscape at the time of publication and make recommendations to reduce rates of smoking in pregnancy

This report from ASH and the Challenge Group sets out the action needed to turn the Government’s ambitions on smoking in pregnancy and a smokefree society into a reality.
This Challenge Group report includes a new analysis estimating the positive impact of achieving the Government’s target to reduce smoking in pregnancy to 6% or less by 2022 and outlines recommendations for the next steps.
This report, published by ASH and the Challenge Group, provides an analysis of the training that midwives and obstetricians receive to address smoking in pregnant women, and what further training is needed.
This report was commissioned by Public Health England and the analysis was conducted by the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre.
This Challenge Group report which was published following the conclusion of the 2015 tobacco control plan for England and reviews the Group’s original recommendations and defines a new mandate for the next five years.
