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Data and Cost Calculators

ASH Ready Reckoner 2022

Find out the financial cost of smoking in local authorities, combined authorities, regions and England. Includes social care, fire and litter; healthcare; lost productivity; and spend on tobacco. Full methodology and instructional video available.

ASH Economic and health inequalities dashboard

See the smoking-related inequalities in health and wealth by local authorities, combined authorities, regions and England.

ASH ICS Briefings

Data on prevalence, impact and cost of smoking on ICS footprints; demonstrating how reducing smoking prevalence helps achieve NHS inequalities targets.

Smoking and poverty

Analysis of the impact of tobacco dependency on household finances and poverty based on national datasets.

Smoking, employability, and earnings

Analysis of the impact of smoking on employment and earnings in terms of lost income.

Smoking and social care

Analysis of local authority spend on social care due to smoking and estimate of unmet need.

External resources

OHID Local tobacco control profiles: data on key indicators and trends for your local area. Updated regularly.

Smoking Toolkit Study: UCL monthly tracking of key indicators in smoking, quitting and e-cigarettes for England.