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Incentive schemes

Incentives to support smokers to quit during pregnancy are both effective and cost effective. This page contains information and resources to support the commissioning of incentive schemes for commissioners and practitioners.

Evidence into practice briefing

The Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group has produced a briefing to support the commissioning of incentive schemes and give both commissioners and practitioners a set of ‘lessons for practice’ to consider before launching such schemes.

The evidence base is now compelling that incentives are an effective way to increase the rate of quitting among pregnant women, where they are coupled with evidence-based support in line with NICE Guidance.

The briefing sets out:

  • Impacts of smoking in pregnancy,
  • NICE Guidance: supporting pregnant women to quit,
  • Evidence for smokefree pregnancy incentive schemes, and;
  • ‘Lessons for Practice’ based on examples of schemes that have been implemented.
  • The briefing has been endorsed by ASH, Fresh, the NCSCT, the Royal
  • College of Midwives, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Sands and the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre.

The briefing has been endorsed by ASH, Fresh, the NCSCT, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Sands and the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre.

Evidence into Practice: Supporting smokefree pregnancies through incentive schemes (A4)

Webinar: Incentive schemes (March 2019)

This Challenge Group webinar presents the evidence base for the use of incentive schemes in pregnancy and the context for successful schemes. Note on the GM data: all areas are at different stages of implementation and have varying local providers, and the data is based on CCG’s.
