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Smokefree Pregnancy Information Network

Smokefree Pregnancy Information Network

The Smokefree Pregnancy Information Network has been established by the Challenge Group to ensure that colleagues working to reduce smoking in pregnancy around the country:

  • Have access to timely information about relevant national activity
  • Have access to practical resources and training materials
  • Are able to share good practice, template materials etc.
  • Can share challenges and pose questions of the wider network
  • Can provide feedback to inform the development of national work

The network is relevant to:

  • Prevention leads working in LMSs, trusts and CCGs
  • Frontline NHS staff including midwives and health visitors
  • Local authority public health colleagues

To join the Smokefree Pregnancy Information Network and receive updates use the form below.

If you’re aware of individuals leading smokefree initiatives in your local trusts who would benefit from being part of this network please encourage them to sign up.


Prevention leads working in LMSs, trusts and CCGsFrontline NHS staff including midwives and health visitorsLocal authority public health colleagues
