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Using e-cigarettes before, during and after pregnancy

E-cigarettes are much less harmful to health than tobacco. This page contains resources and information about the use of e-cigarettes before, during and after pregnancy

Smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy is responsible for an increased rate of stillbirths, complications during labour, premature birth, miscarriages, birth defects and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Based on the latest evidence, e-cigarettes are significantly less harmful than cigarettes and are an effective aid for quitting. However, it is important to use UK e-liquids which have been regulated by the MHRA and never home-made or illicit vaping substances.

Many women who smoke during pregnancy are using e-cigarettes as an aid to quit or cut down and members of the midwifery team may be asked for advice.


These resources have been designed by the Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group to inform health professionals and support conversations with pregnant women who smoke and are inquiring about e-cigarettes. The resources will be updated in line with any updates to NICE guidance, significant evidence updates or in the event that a medically licensed e-cigarette comes to market. The ‘Infographic for pregnant women‘ was developed in collaboration with Tommy’s.

Disclaimer: None of the Challenge Group’s resources have input from organisations with vested interests in the vaping or tobacco industries.

To request physical copies of the infographic and key messages document please email:

Please note: These resources should be ordered by maternity units to be used consistently across the service. If we get very small requests we may need to follow this up with your service manager.

Additional resources

NCSCT Training

Challenge Group response to inquiry on e-cigarettes

In December 2017 the Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group submitted its response to the House of Commons Committee on Science and Technology Inquiry into e-cigarettes. You can read the submission here and learn more about the inquiry here.


Nicotine in pregnancy (March 2019)

This Challenge Group webinar presents evidence concerning the safety and effectiveness of the use of nicotine in pregnancy, including e-cigarettes.


00:00 – 04:00 – Hazel Cheeseman, ASH

04:00 – 25:30 – Professor Linda Bauld, University of Edinburgh

25:30 – 47:00 – Professor Peter Hajek, Queen Mary University of London

47:00 – 01:15:44 – Panel discussion joined by Jo Locker, Senior Tobacco Control Manager at Public Health England and Louise Hand, Project Manager Smokefree Trust at South Tees NHS Foundation Trust

Use of e-cigarettes in pregnancy (March 2017)

Professor Linda Bauld from the University of Stirling provides an update on the latest evidence about the use of electronic cigarettes in pregnancy, which is followed by a question and answer session with experts from Public Health England, the Royal College of Midwives and Improving Performance in Practice.
