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This page contains recordings of all Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group webinars. The webinars cover a variety of topics such as e-cigarettes and incentive schemes, and involve experts and practitioners from the NHS, the third sector and academia.To receive updates about upcoming webinars, events and resources join the Smokefree Pregnancy Information Network

Supporting pregnant smokers: Implications of new NICE guidance and the NHS Long Term Plan (March 2022)

This ASH and NCSCT webinar briefs maternity teams on elements of the revised NICE guidance (Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence [NG209]) relating to supporting pregnant smokers to quit. It also includes an update on the implementation of the NHS Long Term Plan tobacco dependence treatment pathway for pregnant women.

Getting back on track after COVID-19 (May 2021)

This ASH & Smoking and Pregnancy Challenge Group webinar focuses on getting maternity services back on track to support pregnant women to quit smoking as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. The event included a presentation from Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, the Chief Midwifery Officer for England, who set out the NHS’s contribution to the prevention agenda. See the Youtube video description for the full agenda.

APPG on Smoking and Health and APPG on Baby Loss joint meeting: Getting back on track (February 2021)

This joint meeting of the APPG on Smoking and Health and the APPG on Baby Loss marks the launch of a new report from ASH and the Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group ‘Getting back on track: delivering a smokefree start for every child’. This sets out the activities needed to reduce rates of smoking during pregnancy in line with the 6% ambition in the 2017 Tobacco Control Plan.

Local Maternity System opportunities and case studies (February 2019)

This Challenge Group webinar presents three case studies from Local Maternity Systems (LMSs) which are working proactively and collaboratively across local areas to reduce rates of smoking in pregnancy.

Nicotine in pregnancy (March 2019)

This Challenge Group webinar presents evidence concerning the safety and effectiveness of the use of nicotine in pregnancy.

Incentive schemes (March 2019)

This Challenge Group webinar presents the evidence base for the use of incentive schemes in pregnancy and the context for successful schemes. Note on the GM data: all areas are at different stages of implementation and have varying local providers, and the data is based on CCG’s.

Health visiting and relapse prevention (April 2019)

This Challenge Group webinar explores the role of health visiting in supporting women to stay smokefree following birth and protecting future pregnancies through relapse prevention.

Use of e-cigarettes in pregnancy (January 2017)

Professor Linda Bauld from the University of Stirling provides an update on the latest evidence about the use of electronic cigarettes in pregnancy, which is followed by a question and answer session with experts from Public Health England, the Royal College of Midwives and Improving Performance in Practice.
