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Getting back on track after COVID-19

Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group
May 2021


This ASH & Smoking and Pregnancy Challenge Group webinar focuses on getting maternity services back on track to support pregnant women to quit smoking as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.


Introduction from the Chair
Dr Clea Harmer, Chief Executive, Sands, co-chair, Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group

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PHE contribution to this agenda
Professor Viv Bennett, Chief Nurse and Director Maternity and Early Years, PHE

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Getting back on track: delivering a smokefree start for every child
John Waldron, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Officer, ASH

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Building back better through reintroducing CO monitoring
Martyn Willmore, Tobacco Control Senior Programme Manager, PHE

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Rapid evidence update on nicotine, incentives, and relapse prevention
Prof Linda Bauld, SPECTRUM, University of Edinburgh, co-chair, Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group

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The NHS Long Term Plan & Maternity Transformation Programme
Dr Misha Moore, National Specialty Advisor for Obstetrics (Public Health) NHS England and NHS Improvement

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Supporting vulnerable pregnant smokers to quit
Janette Beer, & Natalie Wood, UHD Royal Bournemouth Hospital

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Greater Manchester smokefree pregnancy pathway
Jane Coyne, Strategic Lead for the Making Smoking History and Smokefree Pregnancy Programmes, GMH&SCP

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NHS contribution to this agenda and closing remarks
Prof Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent, Chief Midwifery Officer for England, NHSE

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