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Public support for Government action on tobacco: Results of the 2022 ASH Smokefree survey

May 2022
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This document sets out the findings from the 2022 ASH Smokefree Survey, assessing public support for Government action on tobacco. The survey found that:

  • 74% support a smokefree 2030 and there is majority support for all key interventions.
  • There is no significant difference in support broken down by voting in the 2019 general
    election (Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem).
  • Support among 18-24 year olds is slightly lower, with a higher proportion saying they neither
    support nor oppose or don’t know. This is particularly true for raising the age of sale to 21,
    but it is still supported by more than twice as many 18-24 year olds as oppose.
  • Support among smokers was significantly lower, and lowest for tax.